The Last Wall

Between misery and ecstasy

Hira Ali
3 min readAug 29, 2020


Photo by Niloofar Kanani on Unsplash

So there came a lucky moment when she could see a bit of sky,
From the hole in
the wall of that room, just like a spy.
She was kept there in the dungeon, without knowing why.
And she craved for a way out, after getting rid of all the ties.

Was it the dungeon of sinners? Then why did she have that glance?
Why are others there in this dark place far away from the fence?
Do they not wish to see the light, with their very own lens?
Why do they desire to reside amidst these scary resonances?

"Those who’ve identified the true light, no longer wish to be in.
And these are those that are free from ties, or simply free from knots of sin.
They cross out the walls of will, inside which they’ve put themselves long ago
As they saw there light and moved on, where there was dark and had fallen."

Gradually all the mist settled, and lo! It was her image
Proceeding towards what she called dark, but for the apparition, it was a mirage.
It moved on and on into that fantasy land; in truth, the land of savage.
Soon after it fled away, she fell into the self-transcendental voyage!

She was forced by no one, so to whom could she blame?
It was her Nafs that brought her there, what a big shame!
Not once did she question her beliefs, her fictitious claim?
Soon she realized her whole life had been nothing but lame.

No doubt, the Divine favored her; her eyes recognized the darkness.
Suffocation caused her to want an escape, but she never asked for forgiveness.
Hence now with a bulky bag of sins, she fell into prostration,
Begging for His mercy and pardon for her transgression.

She grovelled for long, infinite hours and then
Noor was all around her, and thus she gratefully bowed again.
The last wall of her ego was abolished, from where she used to peek,
The sky, the light and all the beauty, which she always desired to seek.

Photo by Ian Chen on Unsplash

Nafs (نفس) means self in Arabic, also translated as ego.
Noor (نور) means Divine light in Arabic.

