The least likely guy to show recovering church staff how to get back into their calling. (Yep, it’s me.)

Bill Todd
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2020


Photo courtesy of writer

Previous to serving as a Spiritual Director, I served 11 years as a teaching pastor at two large churches — what is frequently referred to as “Mega Churches.”

I truly believed that was my life’s work. Teaching and developing groups and classes.

Not the expected path for a guy to had to convince a professor to change a D to a C so that I could complete my undergrad degree. (My rationale was if he changed the grade he could be rid of me and not have to deal with my questioning of everything for another semester. It worked!)

The problem with my teaching pastor career was that I was always painfully aware that, while we did a great job of making people feel like they were part of something bigger than themselves, we did a lousy job of teaching people what it looked like to grow in their every day spiritual lives.

I was in the middle of it, and I knew that the gap was enormous.

That undergrad degree that I had to get my grade changed for? Radio and Television Journalism. I spent my time actually on the air, getting ready to go on the air, thinking about how to do it better and differently.



Bill Todd

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