The letter of hope

Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024

Once in a busy city, there lived an old man named Mr. Thompson. He was in his late 80’s and left alone by his kids who went to study and settle abroad. They visit him with their kids in the summers and in the new year.

He is an old and lonely soul and every morning since his kids left him, he would go to a park near him and sit on the same park bench feeding the pigeons there and watching the world go by. He was a lovely and kind person but he had no one to give his love to — other than Mother Nature.

Photo by Clay LeConey on Unsplash

One chilly autumn day, Mr. Thompson was feeding the pigeons and he noticed a crumpled piece of paper tucked under the bench he always sat at. Curious, he reached down and picked it up. After opening it he realized it was a note, a note addressed to him. However, there was no sender or title.

The note read:

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I see you every morning at the park, sitting alone on the bench. I admire your kindness and your gentle spirit. I, too, am alone in this world, and your presence brings me comfort. Though we have never spoken, I consider you a friend.

With warm regards,
A Fellow Lonely Soul

Tears welled up in Mr. Thompson’s eyes as he read the note. He had never realized that someone had been watching him all this time, silently sharing in his solitude. He was very moved by the gesture and promised himself to cherish that letter forever.

From that day on, Mr. Thompson no longer felt alone. He continued to visit the park every morning, knowing that somewhere out there, a kind spirit was watching over him. And even though he never discovered the identity of the mysterious sender, he found peace in the knowledge that he was not alone in the world.

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

And so, the note became a symbol of hope and friendship in the lonely life of Mr. Thompson, reminding him that even in the darkest of times, there is always someone who would care — a light of hope.

So my friend who is reading this, remember that even in your darkest times. There is someone who is looking over you, could be your ancestors, god, or just some fellow human being — someone with the same problems as you are.

Please reach out to somebody if you are feeling overwhelmed, trust me, you will feel a thousand times better after sharing your problems. If you have no one, you have me. (
Drop a message whenever you wish to, and I will respond as soon as I can.

Take care, everyone! ^-^

This is Argus Aze,
Signing off!




I love to write poems and short stories on whichever subjects interest me. I mainly like philosophy, self improvement, deep talks, playing & developing games :)