The Lies, Racism, and Politics Fueling the Immigration Debate

Debunking the Fear-Mongering Tactics of White Supremacists and Revealing the Real Facts behind the Southern Border

willy cash


Credits: Miko Guziuk from Unsplash

The notion that President Biden is actively encouraging immigrants to flagrantly cross the U.S. southern border for political gain is a preposterous conspiracy theory with white supremacist origins. However, despite its baselessness, the “Great Replacement Theory” has gained traction, becoming a central theme in Republican discourse and stoking anti-immigrant sentiments among some Americans.

Recent reports from NPR indicate that a growing number of Americans view immigrants at the southern border as an “invasion,” leading to disturbing incidents of racism and violence against people of color. This includes tragic shootings in Buffalo, El Paso, and Charleston, fueled by misguided fears of demographic changes threatening the white-majority status of the country.

Shockingly, seven in ten Americans now believe in the Great Replacement Theory, largely due to the amplification of this unfounded conspiracy by figures like Tucker Carlson on Fox News. In reality, undocumented immigrants are not eligible to vote, and the majority of them did not cross the border but are here on expired work visas.

