The Little Big Drop: The Present Of Today.

The Power Of Your Day.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

“The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.”


Are we overestimating the power of a decade?

Are we underestimating the power of today?

Are we dropping our whole life into a holy deal?

I have a secret I want to share. I am writing something on the first page of each new journal book.

The first line is, “Change the World from the top in 2025!

Don’t ask me what I will do to achieve that in 2025.

I have no clue. Is it at the beginning, the middle, or the end of 25?

When talking about the top, which flight level am I referring to?

I have no damn idea.

I have spent most of my time building a plan of what to achieve and when. I have always dreamed big. As far as I remember, the sky has always been my limit.

Looking back, I cannot pinpoint those pivotal moments when there was a significant change in my life.

Well, that is not entirely true. I moved to France in 2000. I started working in 2008. I got married in 2017. I…



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: