Use This Little-Known Hiring Secret in Your Next interview

Are you giving your power away?

Elizabeth Gordon


Image courtesy of TayebMEZAHDIA on Pixabay

Interviewing of any kind is a skill.

In this article, I’d like to arm you with a new tool for your next one.

This tool can be applied to any sort of interview, whether it is corporate, creative, or sales-based.

In my former life, I went on hundreds of auditions for theatre, TV, commercials, live events, movies, and internet projects.

Auditions can be fun, but also nerve-wracking.

You’re competing with other talent and for the casting director’s attention, especially if your time slot is at the end of the day.

Casting directors sometimes see hundreds of actors in a single day.

I’ve also done some casting, so I know the truth behind what I’m about to share.

Over the years, I got to know certain CDs well and asked questions about their experience and what they look for.

A theatre CD I read for dozens of times shared a perspective many actors forget.

He told me all casting directors want to find The One for every role and each actor who walks in has a chance to fill that position.



Elizabeth Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!