The Little Old Lady in the Crumbling House

A Poem

Mirek Gosney
1 min readMay 28, 2020


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I did not know her well
The little old lady in the crumbling house
But I knew she was wise and caring and modest as well

She was but a pup
When the Devil scourged the Earth
But she did not lose her faith
She remained good and pure
Until her day at the gates

A simple smile, sweet word, warm gesture
Her motherly kindness wore no vesture
And now her soul forever rests
As her abode crumbles silently

There be not a sound nor a whisper
Just quiet walls holding memory
Of the little old lady in the crumbling house



Mirek Gosney

Writing about Film, History, Culture & Society | British-Czech | UK Based | Writer | Filmmaker | Film Teacher | BA Film and History, University of Southampton.