The Lockdown Is The Perfect Time to Read

Alvin Ang
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2020


“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
― Mark Twain

I wrote in my previous article that I haven’t been doing much during the lockdown, but that’s not exactly accurate.

I’ve been taking time to rest and rediscover some old passions of mine, and since books were my first and greatest love, that means I’ve been reading.

I’ve been reading a lot.

As a child, I used to go to the library and literally max out the number of books one can legally borrow.

I would stuff those dozen or so books in my oversized backpack, hoist said backpack bravely on my young shoulders and lug them home, smiling all the way.

Safely ensconced in my room, I would proceed to devour them.

Page by page, word by word.

I returned to the library every other weekend like clockwork, eager to refill my backpack and my mind.

I haven’t been reading as much, or as deeply, as I used to.

Alas, when you get older, life sometimes gets in the way.

Weekend library trips get replaced by Saturday date nights, hours secreted in a room with a book traded for the much less enviable hours seated…

