The Making of Butternut Squash Soup: A Story of Random Punctuation

Seeing the new in the normal

Keno Ogbo


Love them, or hate them. ‘Commas’ and ‘fullstops’ are here to stay. What if we used them, but used them wrongly? Would we discover new meanings? A zing zang flow. Fun? A new way of writing sentences.

In this experiment, I wrote a short story about making Butternut Squash soup. Then I gave it a brand new look and flow. Most of my reworded story sucked, but within it, I found new gems, sentences I loved. I hope you find them too.

Punctuated Properly

The Making of Butternut Squash

I must have checked the recipe at least five times. Out of ten highly rated recipes returned by Google search, I selected one by Mary Berry, an acclaimed TV chef. It seemed simple enough, I scrolled whilst glancing through my kitchen cupboard.

What do I need? What do I have?

I had most things, except, perhaps the most important — Butternut Squash. I made a mental note to purchase it, but gazing out the window to a mist grey and dull. Not a day to be out. I sat and wrote instead.

The weather improved.

Within the hour, I had a Butternut Squash in my hands. The task before set, but it was impossible…



Keno Ogbo

A stochastic writer, delving into life, tech and fiction. Writing from her West African background, she tackles old issues with a fresh perspective.