The Male Model Physique Is Better Than The Muscular Physique

You have the wrong physique as your goal

Ayush Jha
5 min readJun 29, 2023


Photo by Jaizer Capangpangan on Unsplash

Come at me, you freaky bodybuilders.

Just kidding. I have nothing against bodybuilders. In fact, I respect them a lot. Since I started working out almost 6 years ago, I’ve come across numerous bodybuilders. Some of them were definitely douchy and self-obsessed but a lot of them were genuine hard workers.

They put their body on the line. Get injured. Get back up again. Fail. Try again. Just to achieve their dream physique or win a competition. Watching them made me realize that bodybuilding is an art. Bodybuilders are artists.

But for the rest of us, aiming for that kind of physique makes no sense.

  • It doesn’t pay our bills
  • We don’t compete
  • We have other important stuff to spend time on

It’s easier for a professional to focus on bodybuilding. But the rest of us have a life outside the gym. This is why I’ve been a big fan of a male model’s physique (not a fitness model) and I encourage the average Joe to aim for the same. Here’s why.

Male Model Physique Is More Practical

If you’re not a professional athlete then you must be working a job or studying. You wouldn’t have too much time to focus on your diet and training.

Although you should at least work out 3 times a week for one hour each and have a nutritious diet, anything more than that is a big ask.

Imagine working 8–12 hours shifts and then making time to work out, eat 3–5 protein-rich meals a day, and sleep 8–9 hours per night. It’s just too much work for people.

The 80/20 rule is what works best for this situation. 80% of results will come from 20% of the effort. As you might know, beginner lifters have an easy time gaining muscle while experienced lifters need to make a lot of adjustments and all the technicalities come. Not to mention, the chances of getting injured.

Once you pass the intermediate stage of lifting and enter the advanced stage, gaining muscle will become tough and will need your prioritization. You’ll need to get absolutely obsessed with lifting, diet, and recovery.

The good news is the male model’s physique doesn’t require this much effort. Most male models are somewhere between early to late intermediates. And they look great.

They don’t make lifting a priority (at least not as extreme as a bodybuilder) unless they are going for a photoshoot where they need to be 10% body fat.

We can look similar to them with 15% of body fat and just training a few times a week. We’ll have a more balanced lifestyle without comprising the looks and functionality of a healthy body. It’s easily maintainable. You won’t need to eat a lot of calories or go to the gym 6 days a week.

It’s no secret that we all live a busy life nowadays and that’s why aiming for the bodybuilder physique doesn’t make sense. The male model physique is practical for the majority of people who just want to look and feel good. The opposite is true for passionate individuals.

It Looks Good In Clothes

There are different types of looks people aim for. Some like looking handsome, others like looking absolutely jacked, and a few just want to look like a walking gym.

Bodybuilders argue that a lean physique looks skinny in clothes. But that’s not true. They are speaking this way because they most probably have body dysmorphia.

A person with a lean physique looks the best in clothes. This is why models look the way they do. Their job is to showcase the clothes in the most aesthetic way possible. Their physique is built in a way that enhances their overall look if combined with fitted clothes.

If you search online for the most handsome-looking men. You’ll find one thing in common, they aren’t skinny but they aren’t huge and muscular as well.

As always, there are exceptions to the rule. Celebrities like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth can look good even if they are muscular. But we average don’t have a face or genetics like that.

90% of people who are attractive balance everything out through their style, grooming, and physique. Multiple studies also suggest that women find lean physiques more attractive. If you don’t want to impress women then you can go for the physique you like.

Most men go to the gym to build a physique that impresses women or makes them look good IRL. If you’re one of them then you should be maintaining a male model physique and combine it with classic style.

It’s Much Healthier

Gaining and maintaining a lot of muscle requires you to eat a lot of calories. A lot of protein, carbs, and fat. This makes way for a few issues which is not uncommon. Digestion issues are known to be caused by eating a lot day after day.

Discomfort, bloating, and risk of indigestion are possible causes of eating lots of food. You’ll feel heavy and uncomfortable and as a result, the quality of your life will decline.

Also, the headache of preparing a lot of meals plus spending a lot of money on food is also a thought most people aren’t comfortable with. It’s neither healthy nor sustainable.

Most bodybuilders bulk for so long that they have trouble losing all the extra fat as adjusting their calorie intake gets difficult. An unhealthy obsession with food is a result of such a habit.

We must eat food to fuel our bodies, not to stuff them with calories and calories.

During the time of my first bulk back in 2018, I used to eat upwards of 3000 calories. Over time I developed all sorts of digestion issues and my life quality decreased because I needed meals every few hours and if I wouldn’t get them then I would get depressed.

But for the male model physique, I eat like a normal human. I just eat more nutritious food alongside moderate protein. I am in the best shape of my life and haven’t had health issues for a year or so now.

It all comes down to personal preferences and goals. For me, the male model physique just works and feels better. For you, it might be something different.

Trial and error is the best way to figure it out. We shouldn’t change our goals because of what some random bro said on the internet.

Whatever your goal is, stick to it and you’ll find success. All the best.

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Ayush Jha

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