The Man Who Can Draw Your Soulmate

If you haven’t met them yet

Angelina Der Arakelian


Photo by Alisa Maksimova on Unsplash

For most of us, the thought of meeting our soulmate, that one person who ticks all the right boxes, is always present, whether we like to admit it to each other or not. The concept of the person we are meant to spend the rest of our lives with, especially in more recent times, is imagined as our perfect partner; the yin to our yang; the apple of our eye; the cherry to our pie (you get the drill).

What most of us often do is try to picture this partner as vividly as possible; sure, we want them to adhere to our expectations of character and manners, but what do they look like?

Would I recognize them if they and I crossed paths because we happened to walk down the same street?

What if it isn’t time for us to meet just yet, so we keep walking in the opposite direction, oblivious of the fact we just stood inches away from our other half?

Thoughts like this are not foreign to society. Meet-cutes, love at first sight, that hinge that convinces you that you just know you’ve met the right one. All these scenarios have been tempered within stories consumed by the masses; plots books and films that trigger your wildest dreams. I mean, romance is a cornerstone of art. The stories stem from real life too. All the testimonials by happy couples…



Angelina Der Arakelian

An author who chases sunsets and tries to make sense of a place we call the Universe. Say hi at 💫