The Memory Heist: Part-2

Mind Robbers

Syed Ahmed
4 min readAug 30, 2023


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Chapter 6: Infiltration into the Memory Bank

Inside the Memory Bank, tension hung thick in the air as the crew advanced deeper into the vaults. Max’s hacking had granted them access, but they couldn’t afford to let their guard down. The bank’s AI had already alerted security to a potential breach.

As they moved through the winding corridors, Andre noticed something peculiar. A series of subtle symbols etched into the walls — a code only Memory Thieves would understand. It was as if they had an ally on the inside.

Evelyn’s intuition prickled. “Keep an eye out for traps, but trust the signs. Someone here might be on our side.”

The crew continued their descent, passing by rows of shimmering vials containing memories both mundane and extraordinary. They needed to reach Durant’s vault quickly, but the bank’s security was closing in.

Photo by Leon-Pascal Janjic on Unsplash

Chapter 7: The Crew’s Progress Inside the Bank

Mara, with her cat-like grace, led the way, expertly navigating the maze of laser alarms. It was as if the bank had been designed specifically to thwart intruders like them. They encountered a close call when a guard turned a corner, but Andre’s quick thinking and charm distracted him long enough for the crew to slip by.

Max was working feverishly to maintain control over the security systems, but the AI’s resistance was relentless. As they drew closer to Durant’s vault, alarms blared, and red emergency lights bathed the corridors in an eerie glow.

“The bank knows we’re here,” Max grunted. “We need to be faster.”

Photo by Laura Thonne on Unsplash

Chapter 8: Extracting Senator Durant’s Memories

Finally, they reached Durant’s vault — a massive, steel-reinforced door with intricate security measures. It was a testament to the lengths the powerful went to protect their secrets.

Evelyn, her heart pounding, eyed the vault’s retina scanner and palm print lock. It was a formidable barrier, but they had prepared for this moment. Andre stepped forward, donning the persona of Durant’s assistant, whose palm print and retina scan were already registered in the bank’s database.

With baited breath, they watched as the scanner accepted the data, and the vault door hissed open. Inside, memories gleamed like jewels on glass shelves. Durant’s most treasured secrets were now within their grasp.

Photo by Ilona Frey on Unsplash

Chapter 9: The Escape from the Bank and the Revelation of the Client’s Betrayal

As they filled their bags with vials containing Durant’s memories, alarms blared throughout the bank. The crew’s exit would be far more treacherous than their entrance. Guards and security drones closed in, and Max struggled to keep them one step ahead of the AI’s relentless pursuit.

But just as they reached the exit, something unexpected happened. The alarms suddenly ceased, and the security drones froze in mid-air. The guards, too, stood still, their expressions blank.

Evelyn exchanged a bewildered look with her crew. “What just happened?”

Max’s voice crackled over their comms. “I didn’t do that. It’s like someone else took control.”

As they made their escape from the bank, the crew’s curiosity gnawed at them. Who could have intervened on their behalf? And why?

In the alley outside, as they caught their breath, Max checked their security feed. The footage revealed a mysterious figure in a dark hood, manipulating the bank’s systems. It was as if they had a guardian angel watching over them.

Evelyn couldn’t help but wonder if this unknown ally had been the one to leave the coded symbols in the bank. Their mission had taken an unexpected turn, and the layers of intrigue continued to deepen.

Photo by Bethany Legg on Unsplash

Chapter 10: The Crew’s Decision to Go into Hiding and Their New Challenges

With the vials of Durant’s memories secured, the crew knew they couldn’t return to their old lives. The bank’s betrayal was a stark reminder that they were hunted, their every move tracked by powerful forces.

Mara’s eyes burned with determination. “We’ll scatter, disappear, and regroup later. We need to find out who’s been helping us and why.”

Evelyn nodded, holding the coded vial close. “Our mission isn’t over. We’re not just Memory Thieves anymore; we’re Memory Guardians. We’ll ensure that Durant’s memories don’t fall into the wrong hands.”

With their new purpose defined, the crew vanished into the labyrinthine streets of New Babel City. Their journey was now marked by uncertainty, danger, and a relentless pursuit of truth. They would expose the client’s treachery and uncover the secrets that had led them into this web of deception.



Syed Ahmed

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