The Microwave Ruined My Holiday

Less is more

Damian Bacchoo


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

I Have Become A Grumpy Old Man

Do you ever find yourself getting frustrated when things are more complicated than they used to be?

I recently went on holiday with my family in the UK and stayed in four different Airbnb’s as we travelled around the West Country.

They were all highly rated, had flawless reviews, and ticked all the right boxes.

But even though they were all as advertised, I did not enjoy staying in any of them.

This is partially because I am becoming a grumpy old man (my kids tell me) who prefers his bed over borrowing someone else's.

It’s also partially because the weather was awful, and we spent too much time inside when we wanted to be out strolling the coastal walks.

But mainly, it came down to the microwaves.

They drove me nuts because I could not work any of them. And when I did (mostly) figure it out, it was time to move on to the next place.

The Enigma Machine

I’ve only ever had one microwave. My dad gifted it to my wife and me when we moved in almost 25 years ago. So it’s actually an antique now.



Damian Bacchoo

I’m Damian, a high school principal, and occasional blogger with interests in leadership, culture, wellbeing, mental health, and Star Wars!