The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Historical look from Moses Pierce’s window

Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2022



The moment I, Moses Piece, had no clue history was in the making!

I was lying in my bed, having such sweet dreams when a man came running through town yelling at the top of his lungs. Lights in a tower or some such thing.

I asked my wife if she had heard, a long loud snore was her reply.

I lifted the window, threw open the shutters. Looked left, looked right, listened for any sound. The noise maker was out of sight and out of ear. Curious sight though, lanterns burned bright at my neighbor’s, the Revere’s house.

Wm. Clark, my otherside neighbor, hanging out his window called over, “Do you know what this is about?” I shrugged my shoulders, closed the shutters, and put my lantern out.

Snuggled back into bed, pillow crumpled just so, feeling the beauty of my dream folding me in again, when a long loud snore jolted me out of my reverie.

My wife seemed to know even in her slumber when I’m dreaming of another.

Since sleeping and dreaming were not to be, I slipped down the stair and out the kitchen door to the spring house for a pint of cool ale. The Mrs. didn’t know it was…



Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.

An eclectic life: Waitress, Actress, Zoo Curator, Story Teller, Poet, Exhibit Designer, Writer, Farmer, Educator & Survivor .. Writing, essential as breathing.