The Mind Sees (and Creates) Problems Everywhere

So what can we do about it?

Michela Pasquali


It’s easy to see the people around us in a binary way — as either friend or enemy, good or bad, right or wrong. Our mind always looks to understand the world and reduce it to the simplest possible terms.

The mind perceives a problem (or creates one for us if a problem doesn’t exist in this moment — weird, right?) and tries to solve it. As quickly as it can.

For the mind, a problem means the world is out of order — something is wrong, there’s potential for harm. Solving the problem creates a sense of control in the mind — it re-establishes order, makes things right, saves us from harm.

Even if the problem isn’t even a problem at all.

It could just be a matter of perspective. Like when you think your husband is annoyed because of something you said, but really he’s just frustrated with life during a pandemic.

It could be a challenge. Like when you’re stressed out about taking on a new project at work when it’s really just a chance for you to push your limits.

Or it could be an opportunity for growth. A chance to experience something new and exciting. Something that will…



Michela Pasquali

Writing professionally since 1995. Traveler. Reader. Lover of stories. Trying to be my best self.