The Miracle of Saying Thank You

How saying thank you changed my life

James O'Connor


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I discovered the power of being grateful from my mother, who has since passed on. It goes back to when she would tuck me into bed and teach me prayers. We would give thanks to God for our day and our blessings. I didn’t think much about it, to be honest, as I grew up, but looking back, those were the seeds that produced blessings throughout my entire life.

I was reminded about the power of gratitude again in 2006 when the hugely successful documentary and book ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne made its way across the universe at record speeds, thanks in part to Oprah’s popular show had a dedicated episode to ‘The Secret,’ with the author, and some of its main teachers.

What I learned from being grateful and saying thank you is that miracles do happen. For me, I found myself at a job where all the staff was let go, and within a couple of weeks, I found a job not only where I was enjoying it more than the previous one, but I was also able to work from home and got paid $10,000 more a year. Even when I was let go from a job I remained grateful while my coworkers were full of fear and worry. Some would say that I was lucky, but how you bring luck is through gratitude for what you have today, right now. All you have to do is be grateful, so…



James O'Connor

Generative AI Expertise & Insights on Finance and Personal Development for Success.