The Miracle of Sight

A Free Verse on the tiny organ that enables us to read this very title of the poem.

Saloni Joshi
1 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Daniil Kuželev on Unsplash

The beauty of soul and persona,
concealed in eyes;
a plethora of expressions,
voicing more than
what a thousand words can do;
the eyes, portraying
a panoramic view
of the world and it’s wonder;
the miracle of sight,
with an insight, of an ocean
an infinitude of dreams,
and beautifying Life.

Give someone the ability to dream, and view the world by donating the miracle of sight!
#eyedonation #awareness

The 35th National Eye Donation Fortnight was celebrated in India, from 25th August to 8th September, for which I wrote this poem which got featured on the Facebook page of the Hospital in which I’m doing my Ophthalmology Residency.

Thank you for reading!



Saloni Joshi

A doctor by profession, an Eye Surgeon in the making, a bookworm at heart and an avid reader; unleashing my cumulonimbus thoughts in the form of prose & poetry!