The Miracles of Imam Ali A.S

A man out of time, a true saint of God, and considered by many as the “Gate of Knowledge”.

Syed Zain Abidi


Photo by Imad Alassiry on Unsplash

His judgment over crucial matters almost 1300 years ago shocked Humanity how a person would know such things in that time, do give it a read.

Some of the most Famous Incidents recorded in History about the judgments made by Imam Ali A.S are truly mind-bending.

Issue of the Seventeen Camels

Three persons who owned seventeen camels in a common manner came to Imam Ali (‘a) and stated that half of these camels should be given to one of them, one-third of them to the other, and one-ninth to the third.
Now, it's a tough task to divide an odd number like 17 in a whole figure, by not dissecting or cutting the camels. Try to think for a moment how would you divide them by the ratios given above, without slaying the camels.

Imam Ali A.S solved this issue by adding his own camel to the lot of 17 making it 18 and thus dividing them by the given ratio.

He gave one of them half of the camels (that is 9), gave the other one-third (that is 6), gave the third person one-ninth (that is 2), and in the end, he took back the camel he had added.

The Dispute Over a…



Syed Zain Abidi

Ivy League Aspirant | UPenn MCIT Class of 2026 🎓 EC-Council CT Recipient👾💻⚠️ An Engineer by profession, a Tech enthusiast, a Hobbyist, and a CFT.