Medical Practice | Healthcare Technology

The Modern Scheme of Clinic Operations Is A Must-Have Yet Resource-Intensive

The Modern Medical Practice Mandates Robust Digital Logistic Infrastructure And An Efficient Workflow System Of Operations.

Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2022


Photo by dominik hofbauer on Unsplash

"A Global Imperative for Universal Health Coverage" is an article published in 2018 through a joint consensus of the World Health Organization, OECD, and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. The publication outlines a comprehensive vision of how the quality of care is still suboptimal in most countries. The report places particular emphasis on poor to middle-income countries. Nevertheless, More developed countries are facing their share of challenges. In other words, countries with high incomes with a surplus of aid are still not out of the woods of inefficiency, fiscal, and resource wastefulness.

Operational and workflow inefficiencies, be it clinical or administrative, will all eventually reflect on the quality of patient care. According to the report, those were deliberated upon by the Series of delivery Indicators suggesting variations in factors such as provider absenteeism, diagnostic accuracy, daily productivity, and adherence to guidelines.




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