The Moment When You Think You’ve Won the Race Is Exactly the Moment You Start Losing

An insight into the real winning game

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
2 min readAug 28, 2023


Photo by Joseph Sharp on Unsplash

Our soul is built this way so that it only experiences a sense of satisfaction when it is convinced that it has won the game. Victory is all we want at the end of the day if we fail to do so, we feel terrible about our existence.

Our soul wants to win but from whom?

Is it your classmate, your colleague, or your opponent from the race?

No our soul doesn’t know to whom it wants to defeat and at the same time, it craves for victory at any cost. This creates a dilemma, where we don’t know who are our opponent but we desperately want to win the game. So our mind starts comparing itself with the others, he wants to feel a sense of victory so he compares himself with the one who gets defeated in the game. He hasn’t won the race so he compares the ones who were below him in the rank.

This approach makes us feel an instant high and relaxes us but in the long run, this attitude becomes the reason for our next defeat. The one who wins the race doesn't even care about winning, the one who is going to finish last is the one who keeps comparing with others and always has eyes on what others are doing and who are they who cannot make it to the winner’s club.

Even if they are currently winning, soon they are going to get defeated as this attitude will distract the person from becoming focused on the work at hand. This work in hand needs your attention right now and you are too obsessed with laughing at the person who couldn’t make it.

What to do instead?

Acknowledge your real opponent!

Your real opponent is you only. If you always try to beat your current record, your success will become exponential, even if you fail sometimes as compared to the others in the game. That defeat will not even bother you as you’ve tried your best and done whatever you can.

This attitude will make you free from all the rat race around you and you’ll experience the best life you can live. At the end of life, you’ll not be satisfied with the amount of wealth you’ve accumulated but the opportunities you’ve grabbed and the times when you gave your best. This is the only thing which is going to make you satisfied with your life in the end.

“Winning means being unafraid to lose.”– Fran Tarkenton

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi

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