The More Attractive We Are, The Less Effort We Put Into Dating

Don’t be mad. It’s human nature

Joe Elvin
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2024


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It’s arguably the most common frustration of the courtship stage; why isn’t this person investing more?

Our parents would fret about their beau not returning their calls. Nowadays it’s all about someone not texting back fast enough or with enough enthusiasm.

Most single men have endured conversations like this.

Guy: “Hey, I just got back from the music festival. How was your weekend?

Girl: “Good.”

Guy: “What did you get up to?”

Girl: “Just chilling.”

Guy: “Nice, so what are you doing this week??”

Girl: “Mostly working.”

It’s frustrating, I know. Even worse when these conversations take place at the bar on a date. Still, I’d urge you not to resent women who behave like this.

You’d probably do the same if you had as many romantic options as them.

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Joe Elvin

I help men to escape their comfort zones, improve their self-esteem and make smarter dating decisions. Buy my book 'Big Dick Energy' at