The Most Adorable Things French People Do

Jolie Porter
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

After living abroad in France for so many years, I’m often surprised that I still find discoveries about French culture that delight me. Sometimes, living abroad can be chaotic, odd, and even scary. Yet, moments of discovery, where you see the world in a way that wouldn’t be possible if you hadn’t dared to live in the unknown, make all the unfamiliarity of living abroad worth it. Here are some things that French people do that charm me endlessly. Undoubtedly, these are typical and might even feel like mundane parts of their life. Nevertheless, witnessing even these simple parts of everyday life in France brings me lots of joy.

Photo by Gil Ndjouwou on Unsplash

Radishes with butter

Like most weekends, one Sunday, I lazily awoke to my husband returning from a trip to one of his favorite places; le marché (the farmer’s market.) To him, going to the farmer’s market is like a treasure hunt. He returns with what he’s found with pride and plenty of ideas of what we can eat for the weekend. This particular time, he returned with an overflowing bag of radishes, butter, and a baguette. I asked what he planned to do with all the radishes he had bought. I then discovered how French people eat radishes topped with…



Jolie Porter

American girl living in France. I love meeting new people and discovering different cultures. If we are brave enough to live boldly, life can be an adventure!