The Most Important Choice

Sheri Jacobs


you’ll ever make

In the face of suffering, choose kindness and expect miracles.
When we choose kindness in the face of suffering, miracles occur.

Pain. Suffering. To be human is to experience these intense, dark moments. But in that negative space, we always have a choice.

Our World

Life is fraught with anxiety, filled with the uncertainty of everything from Monkeypox to a potential economic recession. Whether it’s the war in Ukraine or tensions closer to home, it is no surprise that many of us find ourselves quick-tempered. When our spiritual tanks are near empty and we are in pain, it’s normal to lose patience — with others and ourselves.

It’s All About the How

Even in the midst of pain and suffering, how we react to pain makes all the difference.

It’s easy to be kind when we are in a good place, when our needs are met and we want for little or nothing; kindness becomes, for many of us, a challenge when we are in pain.

The talented Langston Hughes reminds us of the choice we all have in his moving story, “Thank You, Ma’am.” When a teenaged-boy unsuccessfully attempts to steal a woman’s purse on the street at night, she is given a choice:

“If I turn you loose, will you run?” asked the woman.

“Yes’m,” said the boy.



Sheri Jacobs

Author, Educator, Actor Author of children’s book DREAM WRITE (pen name, Kiss) and the non-fiction book, THE FRIENDSHIP DIET. VO/film actor