The Motivation To Exercise Starts From Cues.

Willpower is out. Cues are in.

Aldric Chen


Photo by Ethan Elisara on Unsplash

Very often, we rely too much on our willpower to get ourselves up for exercise.

It could be a trip to the gym, to the pool, to the tennis court or even just lacing up for an evening jog.

The power of our Will is very often, not very powerful.

That is probably why we cannot really depend on it.

Ask any smokers who tried to quit smoking based on sheer willpower.

Or any fried food junkie trying to lose weight.

If it is not willpower, then what can we rely on?

For me, the answer is “cues”.

And I am big fan of cues.

For instance, if I know that I want to head for a swim tomorrow, this is what I am going to do.

I will pack the swimming equipment the evening prior to my session.

And then, I will put spare goggles at my working desk at home, at the working desk in the office, and in the shared locker where I deposit my bag in office.

I constantly remind myself of my swim session using cues (goggles) strategically placed all over where my eyes cannot miss.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.