The Mysteries of Egypt’s Pyramids and the Secrets of the Pharaohs

How were the pyramids built?

Nedelcu Alina
7 min readMar 15, 2022


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Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped stone constructions located in Egypt. Subscribe

The number of objects identified as Egyptian pyramids is about 100. Most of the pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs of the ancient and middle kingdoms. The oldest is the Pyramid of Djoser, created by the architect Imhotep between 2667-2488 BC.

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What are the facts about pyramids?

The most incredible Pyramid in the Giza complex is 147 meters high, with a base side of 230 meters, and took between 20 and 30 years to build. It is located about 25 kilometers southwest of Cairo, Egypt’s capital.

The Great Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, has 2.6 million cubic meters and is greater than the two Giza colossi, the pyramids of Menkaure and Khafre. All of the pyramids are said to have been coated with gleaming limestone at one point, but this has since been removed and reused in various construction projects throughout the millennia.

Each Pyramid at Giza is part of a larger complex that includes a tomb temple and a network of interconnected pathways. The monuments are essentially the last resting sites of Egypt’s famous pharaohs.

No manufactured monument on Earth is riddled with as many secrets as Egypt’s Great Pyramid of Giza. It is one of the biggest in the world and is thought to have been erected between 2,550 and 2,490 BC.

Even though it is well-known and has incalculable archaeological significance, there are numerous mysteries surrounding it, particularly those within it. How was the Great Pyramid constructed? What more is there to discover inside? Are there any hidden chambers? However, technology and science have revealed numerous mysteries and secrets of the Egyptian pharaohs hidden within the pyramids.

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A significant finding

Found the mummified remains of King Tutankhamun, commonly known as King Tut 514 kilometers from Giza, on November 26, 1922.

The tomb of Tutankhamun (who reigned for ten years and died at the age of 18) was discovered complete and in fine shape by the two archaeologists, which was incredible given that the site of his tomb had been unknown for nearly 3,000 years!

This was one of the last remarkable findings from the Pharaonic period, and it occurred about a century ago.

For hundreds of years, academics have been interested in constructing pyramids. Archaeologists have unearthed an old method that may have aided the Egyptians in building the magnificent pyramids.

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Archaeologists discovered remnants of an old ramp used to move enormous alabaster boulders from the stone quarry at the Hatnub site in Egypt’s desert. A team of academics from the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo and the University of Liverpool in England made the find.

The broad rope linked to the sled worked as a “force multiplier,” making it easier for those pulling the stone up the ramp.
Archaeologists agree that the Great Pyramid was built with a ramp, but it was unknown how such an ancient structure would operate until recently. This finding will aid in solving the puzzle of how the pyramids were constructed.

The Great Pyramid is the tallest of Giza’s three pyramids, each erected for one of the pharaohs, Khufu, Khafre, or Menkaure, and is 146 meters tall. Ancient texts refer to the Pyramid as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

According to specialists from the University of Amsterdam, the large stone blocks might have been pushed across the desert by soaking the sand in front of heavy-duty pulling equipment. The concept has been credited, but specialists have recently established it scientifically.

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Many mysteries have been solved by science.

Many various technologies have been proposed to assist solve the unsolved riddles of Giza’s great pyramids. Scientists reported in 2017 that they have “looked” inside the pyramids using particle physics.

They uncovered a massive hollow more than 30 meters long in the process. The purpose of this hole in the Great Pyramid is unknown at this time, although its proportions are identical to the Great Gallery, which leads to Pharaoh Khufu’s last resting place.

The technique that enabled the astounding finding is muon radiography, and muons are unstable subatomic particles identical to electrons but with a far bigger mass.

They can “pierce” the Pyramid’s hard substance and aid in mapping all the secret rooms. So, a massive hollow has been discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza, but its purpose remains unknown.

The Great Pyramid has always been a mystery about how it was built and what it was used for. Our modern-day science and historical teachers don’t want to acknowledge that there are advanced civilizations with advanced technology that we still attempt to determine.

People mention the outer 2,300,000 stone blocks on the skin structure of the Pyramid, but the within construction of the Pyramid has stone of immense size, which you will see from the within passages, so it couldn’t are built by slave labor, as modern-day historians would love you think that, acid traces are found in one in every of the shafts, which can be used as a semiconductor, a British inventor Alexander Siemens climbed to the very best of the Pyramid amid a guide , and after they held their arms over their heads with their fingers extended they could have a ringing in their ears and a prickling sensation , guessing that this was from electromagnetic energy, he took a newspaper he brought with him, moistened it with the contents of a bottle he had with him, and wrapped the route the empty bottle creating a capacitance, when he held it over his head the bottle became increasingly charged to some extent where sparks began to fly out of it, the Arab guide not knowing anything about electricity scrambled down the Pyramid and was never seen by the person again ( I feel this was within the first 1900s , not obviously on the date).

A more recent study was done in 1968 by In Shams University in Cairo on the Pyramid of Chechen ( sister Pyramid of the excellent Pyramid), measuring cosmic rays passing through the Pyramid to determine if there are any hidden chambers; after a year of testing, Dr. AMR Gored was quoted as saying about the results “this is scientifically impossible. There is a mystery here that is beyond explanation. Call it what you want, occultism, the curse of the Pharaoh, sorcery, or magic — some force defies the laws of science at adding the Pyramid.

Another inventor, Robert Pavlita did these experiments; he discovered this principle from some Ancient manuscripts within the Prague library collection; these were treatises on black magic- specifically, magic supported a unified occult technology developed by a classy civilization antedating Egypt and Sumeria.

Ancient Egypt’s sophisticated civilization arose seemingly overnight, complete with advanced levels of art, agriculture, astronomy, and physics. When Pharaoh Akhenaten died, much of this higher knowledge was lost — or suppressed. However, evidence of this former Golden Age, the alien visitors responsible for its rise and those responsible for its decline, still exists — some of it in plain sight.
Xaviant Haze examines Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s purposefully obscured reign. He explains how the reptilian race known as the Shemsu Hor infiltrated the Egyptian priesthood and banking systems, eventually forming the Brotherhood of the Shemsu Hor. Haze investigates ancient Egyptian evidence of aliens. He examines the connection between ancient aliens and Mars, including the Martian materials used in Egyptian monuments, and demonstrates why Akhenaten and his family are always depicted with elongated skulls. He explains the pyramids’ original purpose — to transmit uplifting energy throughout the planet to help expand consciousness — and investigates how they were decommissioned after the Great Flood of prehistory. He explains how the original builders of the pyramids predicted.
The Shemsu Hor, according to indigenous Egyptian oral traditions. The Shemsu Hor reigned when Egypt’s ancient lands were tropical and lush. These semi-divine kings inherited a legacy to raise humanity’s consciousness to a state of uplifted, creative awareness in tune with nature and the psychic realms of the universe.
The reasons for the change are unknown. We know that the Shemsu Hor evolved into the Brotherhood of the Snake, a group bent on enslaving humanity. The Brotherhood of the Snake ruled Egypt as puppet rulers while wielding with a powerful military that conquered distant lands through bloodshed and violence.

The extensive use of Egyptian symbolism by the Illuminati, such as the Knights Templar, demonstrates how far back these rulers go. The Shemsu Hor were beings who lived alongside men on Earth, but they were not like us. They had a physical form and were known as Horus’ followers.
Myths about ancient reptilian beings are common in all cultures. For hundreds of years, these images have been misinterpreted, but skulls discovered in northern Egypt have revealed a startling revelation: the Shemsu Hor were either reptilian or human-reptilian hybrids. The reptilian alien theory is the most lauded, criticized, and despised branch of the ancient astronaut theory tree.

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