The Mysterious Nun Dressed in White

Who opened my third eye

8 min readJul 5, 2020


“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” Deepak Chopra

Since childhood, I was fascinated by mystical subjects and one of the main reasons is that my grandmother thought me to believe in God, as she was the most religious person I know to this day. She is gone now, but I will always remember her teachings: simple, true, and emotional. I read the Bible at an early age and then, I started to read paranormal magazines, and I kept reading them until my adolescence. I wanted to know more. Then, right before my adolescence, something happened that changed my life.

What I am about to tell you is a personal life story that happened for real in every detail.

My father’s encounter

It was summer in Romania, and I was like 11 or maybe 12 years old, I don’t remember exactly. All I know it was in the ’90s. My father, a truck driver, came home from work in an evening. He was tired after a three days ride to a distant city. It was not the first time he was doing this type of work, but today something looked different. His face was glowing.

Me, my sister and my mum were about to find out something extraordinary that he experienced on the road. We gathered around him, as he began to say that he wants to tell us something amazing, and so the story begins.

on the road
Image is taken from FOCA

As my father was driving towards his destination, on the right side of the road, two older women were waving. My father stopped to invite them inside the truck. They just wanted to be taken to a nearby location. They didn’t seem to know each other.

One of the women was a nun, dressed all in white. She looked young and had a clean face, despite being fifty or more. The other woman, of a similar age, looker older and she was complaining about a headache. As they both sat inside the truck, my father started the engine and they began talking to each other.

The white light and the window to the other side

The nun dressed in white told the other woman to close her eyes and keep her palms open upwards, asking her about her headache and telling her to focus on seeing a bright white light. After some time concentrating, the woman began to see that light, with her eyes still closed.

But, there was a detail that my father realized only a bit later. The woman was actually blind, physically.

After placing the palm of one of her hands on the woman’s forehead and keeping it there for a while, the nun continued to tell the woman to embrace that white light, and the pain suddenly stopped, just as the woman confirmed afterward.

The nun made the cross sign on the woman’s forehead and asked the woman to say the following words:

”God, thank you for giving me clairvoyance, salvation, and good health.”

As I understood later, this was like a formula for activating the third eye.

Then, she told her to keep focusing and try to see a screen or a window inside of the light, and the woman began to see a blue screen.

Nun: “This is the window that God opened for man to have a glimpse of the other side. Keep your palms up and you will receive energy from above, so you can see more. Concentrate and tell me what you see on the screen!

Woman: “It’s like my palms are burning. I see something like the silhouette of Jesus. He seems to look at me.

Nun: “On this screen, you can also see images from the past or the future. While images from the past are clear because the events related to them already happened, the images from the future are most often symbolical, as they are yet unsure.“

The blind woman mentioned that she had a disease and she wants to know when will she feel better. The nun told her to look at the screen while focusing on this question and tell her what she observes.

Woman: “I see numbers, but they are swirling and circling, I can’t see clearly what the numbers are.

Nun: “Focus on what you want to know.

Woman: “I see a bigger number in the middle…I think it is 9!”

Nun: “This means you will get better in 9 days.

My father was stunned. He could barely talk because he was shocked by what he has just seen. He finally began speaking and he said that he also has a headache, which is probably from the many hours of driving, too much smoking, and the heat. The nun placed her hand on his forehead. After a while, this thing happened again, that my father later described:

“It’s like that pain was taken out with the hand!”

This is a Romanian popular way of saying that the pain was suddenly gone.

He asked if he could see what the woman has seen. While making the cross sign on my father’s forehead, the nun repeated the same formula about clairvoyance, salvation, and good health. But she also said:

No, you will not be able to see, because you have too much evil in you, you smoke, you drink and you have too much anger. But, if you have children, you could try it on them. They are the purest and could do this easily!

This is the end of my father’s story. We were all around him, enthusiastic and amazed.

The opening of my third eye

After my father finished the story, he did the cross sign on my forehead, my mum’s forehead, and my sister’s forehead. He knew that I could be the one to see something, especially because he also knew my faith and my affinity for spiritual things.

Then, we all tried to concentrate with eyes closed and palms up, in the living room, saying the magic formula. Twenty minutes passed, and nothing…None of us could see anything. I came alone in the kitchen and tried again, and I persisted.

After another half hour with eyes closed and palms up, the blackness began to dissipate. It became violet, a violet light. This violet reminded me of the violet neon that you see in music clubs (sometimes is indigo or blue) that amplifies the light on white clothes.

After a while, the violet light started swirling and to be surrounded by a greenish circle of light clouds, a fluorescent green like the one you see in the clubs. The circle began to go forward, forming like a tunnel. It gave me the impression I was flying backward through rings of greenish light.

opening of third eye
Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

It was fascinating to see this thing with eyes closed. As the green circles were moving forward, I felt my palms and my forehead energizing, and the violet light in the middle was euphoric.

Despite all of this, I didn’t see any white light. Perhaps we all see this differently.

Blue screen, etheric body, matrix

The energy was all I could see for now, but, in time I also began to see the blue window. In the mornings, right before opening my eyes, I saw images in motion representing the things I have done the other day. It was like playing a recording of what my eyes have seen yesterday and this happened on a blue screen, a blue like the one of the sky when it is clear.

Also in the mornings, when I wake up, I sometimes see like a matrix of numbers, letters, and hieroglyphs, that I can not make sense of. I tried focusing, but nothing becomes clear.

I did some research online, and I found that is very possible that the energy I see represents my third eye chakra, which has the same violet indigo color. This could be true because the violet light seems to be swirling like a fan.

Over the years I practiced this visualization and I used it in my meditations. I can’t say it evolved in some way, but I had moments during meditation when I felt such joy and happiness, and so much energy that it’s like being one with God.

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. Anthon St. Maarten

chakra meditation
Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay

I also noticed that, if I practice this with eyes opened, and I choose a fixed spot to focus on, I begin to see the etheric layer of everything, which is made of those colors I see with eyes closed. For example, if I look at one person for a few minutes, I begin seeing its skin in indigo violet. It resembles somewhat to a being from the movie Avatar. I realized I am seeing the etheric body of that person, but not the aura. Probably the aura is on a different frequency, that I don’t perceive.

Who was this nun?

At some time after the first encounter, my father had another one, with the same nun, but this time she was alone. She again wanted to be taken in my father’s truck and she was carrying a big wooden cross, like the ones people place on graves.

When my father asked her what’s the deal with that cross, she replied that she is taking it to the grave of Jesus Maitreya in the mountains and that’s where she will get off the truck. It was strange because there was nothing in those mountains, it was just wilderness. Since then, my father thought that she was crazy and this was backed up by what he later found out from other people in the area.

It seems that she was reading a lot of paranormal stuff, so much that she became obsessed. Then, some construction workers physically abused her one night and since then, people talk that she’s gone mad.

Much later, the lady appeared in a popular talent show for comedians, again dressed in white and light blue, where she talked about seeing ghosts in her house, the universe, and God, she spoke the cosmic language (it sounded like a distorted Latin), and made a cover for a song. Nobody took her seriously. She called herself the Cosmic Nun. She was dressed similarly to Mother Teresa, but with less blue and of a lighter shade of it.

I also saw her in my city one day when I was going to a work client. I recognized her from the show. I was walking right by her and I wanted to say something to her, but I didn’t find the courage and I was also in a hurry. She was dressed the same way, but she wore thongs and white socks. We reached an intersection, she crossed on the other side of the road and that was it.

If she is crazy or not, I don’t know. All I know is that what happened to me was real, and I have my proof that there is more to this world than meets the eye.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.“ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

