The Myth of “Starting From Zero”

We need to stop with this ridiculous idea.

Aure's Notes


Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

When Hamdi Ulukaya built Chobani, the media told his story as the “immigrant who built a business from $0 to $1 billion”.

They omitted the fact that Ulukaya had already been selling cheese with his 40-employee company for a while and that he had almost a decade of experience in the dairy industry under his belt.

Media companies and course sellers love to tell you about overnight successes because they sell.

Unfortunately, there’s no such thing.

Not only does being successful take time, but it also requires an “unfair advantage” that itself, takes time to build.

To quote Peter Thiel “each company is a mini-monopoly”.

No one is an overnight success, and no one starts from zero.

Absolutely no one.

No One Starts From Zero and Everyone Who Starts Has an Advantage

Obsessed with minimizing risk and maximizing success, I’ve been looking for *the* entrepreneurial recipe for years now.

I had to make peace with the fact that it doesn’t exist.



Aure's Notes

2X Msc in pol. science and business econ. Summarized +100 books. 25k people read From Belgium. No niche.