The Myth of the Self-Made Millionaire

Joshua Cronkhite
Stop & Think
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2021


Travis Essinger, Unslpash.

There is a pervasive myth in our culture that is hurting many people. The story goes something like this.

Our protagonist

Meet Tim. He was raised in a lower-middle-class family of four and dropped out of high school in eleventh grade. You see, Tim was never just an ordinary kid who disliked being called Timothy. He was a young man with a very bright future.

Growing up, Tim had all the calling cards of a future high-achiever. He excelled years beyond his peers in reading and mathematics and displayed an impressive amount of entrepreneurial spirit. At the ripe old age of ten, Tim had already started his own company with his dad, building his business acumen and turning a nifty profit while he was at it.

As Tim progressed into his teen years, he became particularly enamoured, like many his age, with technology. Tim, however, took it to another level. He was not just content with consuming, he wanted to create. He began teaching himself to code and before long he was developing rudimentary apps with his friends.

The long and short of it is: the years went by and Tim’s abilities and resources only grew exponentially. His parents who had both struggled their whole lives now never have to work again. And Tim, if he was the retiring type, could retire now at the age of 30…



Joshua Cronkhite
Stop & Think

Surprisingly tall human exploring philosophy, writing, and psychology on the quest to live more intentionally. Freelance inquiries: