The Nature of Truth

Luan Hassett
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2024


Photo by manos koutras on Unsplash

Truth lies in the opposite direction of effort and intellect.

“Hard work” only emphasizes what you already know.

After encountering a truth, you do not have to try to implement.

An omniscient God need only move a single particle for any effect.

The truth is relative to the position that the human searching for truth is in.

What are his most immediate problems?

What is the problem beating him around his house, in his face all day, waiting by his bedside while he sleeps?

What is he most desperate for?

The truth tends to come by way of exposure, and reveal itself through feeling.

Man believes that truth awaits at the finish line of his thinking.

He does not realize that his thinking was initiated by falsehood.

Where a person goes in his life is a function of the consistency and quality of the truths to which he is exposed.

There is no universal litmus test for having found truth.

For once again, the truth (though in one sense absolute) is relative to his position and his problems.

It is up to the man himself to decide what constitutes his Arrival.

