The NEW Medium 2023 (The Biggest Update Yet)

Key facts & thoughts



Foto von Andrea Piacquadio: From Pexels

Medium dropped a bomb yesterday.

Going forward, a lot will change on this magnificent writing platform. For better or for worse.

Here are the key updates and a few early thoughts

First, let’s go through a short bullet list of the main points:

  1. 12 more countries eligible for the partner program soon: Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Hungary, India, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Malta, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates
  2. No more 100 followers: Medium removes this entry requirement, as it was a couple of years ago
  3. You need to pay to earn: As I suspected a few times (and actually requested), Medium will now only pay writers who are members (and pay the $5 membership).
  4. Earnings will be based on other metrics: Not just reading time. Earnings will be based on engagement points, calculated by reading and listing time, claps, highlights, comments, and even new followers from a story. Additionally, earnings will have a follower multiplier, a boost bonus, and read ratio. This is a lot! To summarize, engagement is crucial from now on. You can read more here.
  5. Boosting will result in both a distribution




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