The Nice Guy

Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2024
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Caring for people is good, but start with yourself. People waste too much time and energy trying to impress everyone. They feel that making everyone happy is their job, which is why they care so much about everyone.

Before doing anything, they make sure their actions do not hurt anyone. They want to be seen favorably by everyone and maintain that image at all costs, even if they have to compromise themselves to impress someone.

But why do they act like that?

Firstly, it's family conditioning; our parents teach us from childhood to be nice to everyone, avoid hurting anyone, and to avoid fighting even if someone mistreats us. They tell us the other person is bad, but not us—we are the good ones, etc.

Secondly, it's their own selfishness. They act like nice people, but in reality, they expect something in return for their niceness. A genuinely nice person does not expect anything in return; they help and move on without expectations.

There is no problem with being nice to people, but it should be genuine, not to maintain an image of being nice.

By only being a nice guy, you won't be valued by others. You'll end up as a person without boundaries, unable to stand up for yourself, easily used by anyone because you are a 'nice guy.'

Do you want to be like that? If not, why care so much about people who don't care for you?

Listen carefully; there is a big difference between a nice person and a 'nice guy.'

A nice person will help you but won't try to impress you. They have the courage to say no without hesitation because they know their time and energy are limited and shouldn't be wasted on others. They always stand up for themselves if anyone crosses their boundaries. They are self-aware and won't let anyone use them; if needed, they can fight for themselves and their loved ones.

Be nice to yourself; work on yourself first. Complete your own tasks and then help others. Work on your dreams; they will bring you real happiness.

Lastly, never put anyone on a pedestal. Make yourself the most important person in your life.

Thank you for reading this article."




Hey there! I'm ranjeet a writer fueled by curiosity and a passion for storytelling. Here on Medium, I explore topics like- self improvement , inspiring stories