The No-BS Guide to the Assets You Actually Need for a Fulfilling Life

Alexandru Gavrilovici
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2023


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1. Life Itself

Life is the one-in-a-million chance you won. It’s the biggest lottery you’ll ever win (or the only one if you’re like most of us). We’ve got one shot at this circus. So, every day you’re not dead in a ditch, pat yourself on the back and do something that counts. Because, mate, investing in your life is like putting money in a bank that you can only spend on cool stuff, like happiness and memories.

2. Family and Friends

Alright, here’s the scoop: We’re social animals (even if some of us have the social grace of a potato). The people we hang around with can either lift us up or drag us down. It’s like being on a boat; you want a good crew, not people who’ll drill holes when you’re not looking. Cherish the good ones. And remember, life’s a game of chance, but you get to shuffle the deck. Make every interaction count, add value, take value, and don’t be a bloody leech.

3. Time (Memento Mori)

Newsflash: Time’s ticking, and none of us are getting out of this alive. It’s not unlimited like your internet plan. We’re all on the clock here, and spoiler alert: the clock wins. So, think of each day as your last. Sounds grim, but hey, it’s a great kick up the arse to stop sweating the…

