The Number 1 Way To Accomplish Your Goals

Most people fall into this trap

Destiny S. Harris


Photo Credit: Pexels, Ketut Subiyanto

At first sight, a goal might seem impossible, resulting in you feeling overwhelmed.

You’re going about the goal the wrong way. Think again about how you might achieve your goals, and don’t stop thinking until you’ve found a way to make the goal possible.

Step 1: Focus On What Vs. How

Most people think about the how instead of what when it comes to goals.

Stop yourself right there. No matter how crazy a goal may seem to you, write down the goal first.

Then, review the goal consistently, thinking about how you will accomplish the goal.

Step 2: Focus On The How — 20 Ideas A Day

Earl Nightingale recommends writing down daily, 20 ideas that will help you accomplish your goal.

Suppose you wrote down 20 ideas a day, 365 days a year; that equates to 7,300 ideas that could help you reach your goal. At least 1 of these seven thousand ideas will work.

Do you have a goal that seems unachievable? Write it down, and continually think of ways to make the goal a reality. At some point, your brainstorming sessions will birth the winning idea.

