The Number One Mistake You’re Probably Making In Your Business.

The mistake I repeatedly make.

Shea Hulse
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2020


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

But first, here is one mistake you’re probably making too.

Starting a business is crazy. At least, that’s the general consensus from well-meaning friends and family. Constantly I’m bombarded with the whole, “I heard of this job today,” or “You should do this, you’d love it!”

Well-meaning friends and family tend to forget that if I would love something, I would probably already be doing it. Granted, they’ll surprise me from time to time with a career path I genuinely didn’t think of. So I always support the advice that they give me, keep it coming!

But this is one of the problems, letting your loved ones try to make decisions for you. If you chose to go down this path, it’s because you believe in it, or you did at one point. Just because outsiders might keep trying to force their ideas on you doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is wrong. Don’t let them get in your head!

If they’re getting in your head…

It’s because you’re making the cardinal sin! That sin is, not believing in what you’re doing! As I write this, I can tell you I have been having a week. Or maybe a string of weeks. Sometimes they blur…



Shea Hulse

Wife and mom of two. My books are steamy paranormal romances full of magic and mystery. I help entrepreneurial women do the same. Traveller. Dreamer. Free.