The Old Testament Book of Judges

Roger Himes Esquire
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2020


Judges Shows a Decline in God’s People, the Nation of Israel, After a Time of Prosperity, Growth, and Advancement Under Joshua

The Old Testament is a lot more than just an ancient history lesson. The New Testament gospel tells us there are many stories and examples for us to learn from so we can live life better.

The Book of Judges Can Be Depressing

Judges is a depressing book that sets the stage for much of what will continue to happen later in the Old Testament. Following this is the kingship of David and his son Solomon, both of which were positive in certain perspectives. But after them, Israel declined totally and went into captivity.

Joshua is a book of God’s people conquering. Judges is a book of God’s people being conquered — not always by enemies, but by their apathy and self-focus. They were later conquered by their enemies. The last sentence in Judges shows why they fell away: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

We face much the same battle today as the people did back then. We are into a self-focus that psychology says is narcissism in many people.

Joshua Was a Great Leader After Moses

Joshua led the people well and they conquered most of the land they were…



Roger Himes Esquire

Business and Constitution Lawyer / Gospel Life Coach / Author|Composer|Singer. FREE short flip-page book: “Live Life With Passion”: