The One Percent Rule: How Small Steps Lead to Big Success

The Motivational Power of Progress

Stan Khan
3 min readJun 6, 2024


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Why is it that we often fail to complete what we set out to do? Why do we leave events feeling excited and highly motivated, only for that enthusiasm to wane after a few weeks and be completely forgotten within a few months?

The One Percent Rule

The One Percent Rule, written by Tommy Baker, offers an explanation for this common human trait. More importantly, it provides a process, system, and disciplines that help us overcome our human frailties.

Baker starts by warning us about prevailing myths in our culture that make us cling to false beliefs, which are detrimental to our consciousness. We are plagued by myths of instant success, perfect plans, waiting for the right time, and everything running smoothly.

With such high expectations, we easily give up at the slightest obstacle and blame everyone but ourselves.

The essence of the book is that there is one prime motivational force that keeps us inspired and on track to reach our goals: progress.

The One Percent Rule suggests that success is highly likely, virtually guaranteed, if you make 1% progress by applying the disciplines and persisting with them over time.

The keywords in this formula are gradual, consistent, focused, and enduring effort.

The 1% Rule Formula

The formula for the One Percent Rule is:

1% progress + daily application (consistency) + persistence (focus) + time (endurance) = success.

The 1% Rule Code

The One Percent Rule is supported by the 1% Rule Code. This is a code of conduct that ensures you apply the rule despite distractions and personal feelings:

Fall in love with the process.

Do it every single day.

Celebrate your commitment.

Track your metrics and data.

Master your craft with deliberate practice.

The 1% Blueprint

Baker doesn’t stop there. He provides the 1% Blueprint, an approach to commit to the process so that it becomes integrated into how you do things — your personal blueprint for success.

He introduces the 1% Question, which allows you to self-correct or decide what you should do next. The question to ask yourself is:

“What can I execute on right now that will prove that my outcome and vision are not only possible but coming true?”

The 12 Weeks to 1%

The book proposes a manageable 12-week planning horizon to move you closer to your vision. Baker calls it the 12 Weeks to 1%. This plan, similar to others, starts with identifying the “big rocks” in the four pillars of life: Business & Purpose, Health & Fitness, Spirituality, and Relationships.

For each pillar, you list the initiatives, steps, and tasks associated with the desired outcome. The 12-week cycle creates a sense of urgency, which can be further enhanced by higher levels of accountability. Combining this sense of urgency with accountability virtually guarantees success.

Over a year, the “12 Weeks to 1%” plans fall neatly into four quarters. To add spice, the book suggests tying the four quarters to the four seasons: winter for reflection and rest, spring for renewal and creation, summer for growth and expansion, and autumn for harvesting.


In summary, the One Percent Rule offers a formula for success based on steady progress, a code of conduct with inspiring values and beliefs, a blueprint for consistent execution, and a mechanism to instil urgency and accountability.



Stan Khan

Advocate for transforming dreams into reality | Writing about Business Development bridging Sales & Marketing | Sharing success principles for business & life.