The One Thing Waiting for Us As We Die

Enhanced interplay of neuronal coherence and coupling in the dying human brain — A new study.

I, Napoleon B.


Enhanced interplay of neuronal coherence and coupling in the dying human brain — A new study.
Вячеслав Шах_Гусейнов

“Steve’s final words were: ‘Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.’”

Yes, these were the last words of Steve Jobs, as was shared during the eulogy of his sister Mona Simpson.

My mom passed away in 2021. But, I can still remember that morning when she finally said goodbye. She waited for her great-grandson, and as soon as he arrived, this 3-year old boy who would usually say hello to our mom said goodbye.

Our mom, said, ‘I love you, MatMat.”

Before that, we had 21 days to be at her side, at home, in the company of her family in the middle of the pandemic.

She wanted to rest by our side.

As she took her last breath, she closed her eyes, no wailing. She just closed her eyes. I laid her down on her bed, and she was at peace.

Now she is at rest.

We heard of this familiar story, of those who lived to tell what it is like on the other side—the ones who came back from a near-death experience.



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: