The only and true pope, Benedict XVI.

Pope Benedict XVI never renounced his position. The real reason for his declaration might not be clear to the most— yet.

Richard Bruschi


Pope Benedict XVI placing a novelty crown on Our Lady of Lourdes on occasion for the sick pilgrims in 11 February 2007. Photo by SICDAMNOME.

On Sunday 10 February 2013 Pope Benedict XVI read his papal renunciation at the consistory, a meeting of the College of Cardinals. More correctly though, he read his apparent renunciation of his position as pope.

The declaration, announced on the 11th February 2013 by the Vatican to the world, made worldwide news as it was the first time since 1415 that a pope resigned his position. He communicated that his papacy would seemingly end at 8:00pm on the 28th of that month. What most do not know is that Pope Benedict did no in fact resign his position. He did not resign being pope, but only the tasks of being a pope.

Same thing? Absolutely not. According to the Church’s own set of canonical laws, Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope.

I’ll explain.


Always remember that we are analyzing this event and its validity following the Vatican’s own rules and laws and canon, not under one’s personal, political, or religious views or preferences.

Below is Ratzinger’s declaration transcription, in which he indeed spoke Latin (original



Richard Bruschi

Renaissance man. Writer, photographer, architect, and editor. Topics about history, architecture, travel, mystery, fitness & health, Italy, the UK, and the PNW.