The Open-Door Policy Is A Myth. This Is My Perspective.

I am intrigued by the number of Business Management Best Practices out there. Some of those are proposed with the best intentions in theory. The same Best Practices are also a disaster in terms of implementation and practicality. This is my brush with one of them. It is known as the Open-Door Policy.

Aldric Chen


Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator on Unsplash

Doors are there for a reason. It allows us to get out if we want to and focus internally when we have to. Having a door and not using it for its intrinsic purpose is weird to me.

And sometimes, the utility of the tool gets challenged for its purpose of existence. Take, for instance, the mythical Open-Door Policy.

This is one Business Management Best Practice is designed for workplace efficiency, and it does so by waging war on the doors we have.

The intention of the Open-Door Policy is a good one. It gives everyone in the workplace an opportunity to get access to their leaders without discrimination.

If you have a great idea, chin up, walk in and pitch. It assures that your ideas are not filtered out by middle management for reasons not pertaining to the



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.