The Opportunities Are Endless — Your Brain’s Ability to See Them Is Not

Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2020


Why Expanding Our Perspectives Is Essential to Noticing More of Life’s Opportunities

Photo by Carl Jorgensen on Unsplash

Our perspective is limited by our knowledge. Our knowledge is limited by our perspective. The more we expand our perspectives, the more we notice opportunities popping up all around us. As we act on these opportunities, we begin to feel life’s richness even amidst those ordinary days.

When we immerse ourselves in new experiences and delight in life’s unexpected surprises, we grow. This is where the juice of life is ultimately found — in experiencing the beauty of our own unfolding.

If we do not continually expand the horizons of our minds, feelings of stagnancy arise. It may feel as if life “isn’t going anywhere.” It is not life that is stagnating — we are. We must meet life’s opportunities halfway.

When we feel as if our lives have become stuck in a rut, it is only because our minds have become stuck in a rut.


We are rarely aware of the habitual nature of our own thoughts — 70-90% of our thoughts are the same as the day before! If our minds are constantly regurgitating the same…



Simona @ Mindful Copy Agency

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