The Option is the key for Successful Personalized Healthcare

The obligation is not the Answer



The option is one of the most, if not the utmost, intuitive of all prerogatives in every human’s life. There are, indeed, many essential principles that can ensure more outstanding quality patient care. However, physicians and healthcare professionals alike who are most available, polite, friendly, and helpful undoubtedly do much better than those who fall short of providing the same services. Subtle psychological determinants play a role in ultimate patient satisfaction in every experience. With the ongoing inclination towards a merit-based patient reimbursement system, how physicians incorporate end factors into their practice could help them earn higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall compensation.

Despite the numerous concessions on the necessity of patient and physician options, we are still far from clenching on reality. Patients are facing more and more limited opportunities concerning their medical care. On the other hand, physicians are facing an increasing burden of mandates only to keep up with the mountain of administrative works.

Even though healthcare leaders are constantly conversing on personalizing patient care and engaging everyone in their proactive overhaul, the outcome is utter to the contrary.




In this vast tapestry of existence, I weave my thoughts and observations about all facets of life, offering a perspective that is uniquely my own.