The Organization of Mattering

Yes all lives matter, but to whom?

Kristi Keller


In today’s climate, it takes balls to write an article containing the phrase, ‘All Lives Matter.’ That statement is perceived as diminishing to the plight of Black Lives Matter and could be seen as insensitive or ignorant toward racism against black people.

Recently I read the dreaded All Lives Matter piece by conny manero, and braced as I clicked into it, not knowing which angle she may be hitting from.

She made some very valid points throughout her piece though, and as I scripted my response I realized I couldn’t stop typing. I had enough to say on the issues that I needed to create my own piece, and here we are.

Before I continue, I should fill you in on my stance with Black Lives Matter.

The entire cause matters to me so much that I wish America could erase the last four hundred years and repeat the process the other way around. I don’t think white privileged people have the sagacity to endure the same physical and mental torment black people have endured, and still come out the other side as productive human beings.

Can you imagine a southern white belle crying for an icy cold Bourbon twist from out in the cotton field? Her birth name may have been Karen but of course, that name would have been stripped…



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.