The Oscars: My Journey Through the Nominated Movies

Aga Byrczek
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2023


Photo by Mirko Fabian on Unsplash

As a movie fan, there is nothing quite like the excitement of the Oscars season. This year, I made it my mission to watch as many nominated films as possible, and I am proud to say that I managed to see 11 of them on the big screen. As the ceremony approaches, I wanted to share my general impressions and personal favorites from this year’s selection.

Trend Alert: Longer movies dominate this year’s nominees

One trend I noticed this year is that movies have become longer. Out of the 10 nominees for Best Picture, 7 are over 2 hours long. While I don’t mind the length, of sitting comfortably in a cinema hall, I agree with the common sentiment that many of these movies could have been improved with 30 minutes shaved off.

While some films benefit from a longer running time, it’s important for filmmakers to consider the impact on the audience and the story being told. Sometimes, less is more, and a tightly edited film can have a stronger impact than a bloated one. As viewers, we can appreciate the skill and craft of a well-made film, regardless of its length, but we should also consider whether a film could have been improved with some judicious trimming.

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Aga Byrczek

I write about social issues, mental health, fat phobia and micro aggressions. My mission is to raise awareness by writing ✊🏼