The Pandemic Made Us Vulnerable So That George Floyd’s Death Was Not In Vain

The Gift of Being Vulnerable in Uncertain Times

Kris Freeman


Photo by munshots on Unsplash

Why Now? Why this Black Man?

Black people have been persecuted for millennia and now we are outraged?

Yes, we are because something has awoken in us that has us owning that BLACK LIVES DO MATTER.

Our planet is WAKING UP! What a great surprise to see protests and rallies and outcries on such a global level.

And again I still ask why now?

Here is what my awareness tells me, we have been broken down from the Covid-19 Pandemic. What do you mean, we’ve been broken down? Well having our health as a nation be threatened in such an out of our control sort of way has made us extremely vulnerable.

Sheltering in place, caring for loved ones who are sick, burying loved ones and saying goodbye without a proper funeral, wearing masks when shopping or out in public, having our businesses and economy suffer, and hearing about the ever-increasing cases of deaths daily has WORN US DOWN. And when you are worn down you are incredibly VULNERABLE!

George Floyd’s death was not in vain and it couldn’t have happened at a more auspicious time. I do not mean to sound callous when I say…



Kris Freeman

Falling Flat on My Face, Getting Up Again, And Asking “What IS Next? AND “What Else Is Possible That I’ve Refused to Consider?”