The Pandemic Taught Me How To Be Happy

Lockdown was a blessing rather than a curse

Daniele D'Alessio


Woman smiling and looking at laptop
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

About a year ago, the UK went into its first full lockdown. Everything I ever valued was closed. This included nightclubs, bars, restaurants, and even gyms. Suddenly, most of my hobbies were gone, and I felt a little lost.

Like most people, I now had tons of time on my hands. Hours upon hours of doing whatever I wanted to do. If this happened a year or two earlier, I would have suffered a serious episode of depression and anxiety.

Instead, this was the beginning of something special. I experienced a realization that happiness does not come from short-term highs. It derives from finding purpose and appreciation.

The Discovery Of Purpose

Prior to COVID-19, I was a serial time-waster. Much of my free time was spent engaging in fun but worthless activities such as watching Netflix and playing video games. I shudder to think about how much self-improvement I missed out on.

Ironically, the pandemic caused the opposite to occur. Little by little, I introduced beneficial tasks in my day. It all started with learning Italian. Despite having a father from Italy, my understanding was extremely limited. In any case, I made the decision to do 1 hour of Italian every day. This…

