The Paradigm of the Goddess is not the Patriarchy with a Woman on Top

It’s an entirely different reality

Theresa C. Dintino


Photo by Aditya Wardhana on Unsplash

For me, the Goddess is not a female replacement for a male god in the sky watching over us, judging our actions, making sure we get it right — or else! Rather, she is the womb-like container that holds us, as well as the field of potentiality within that container. We and all of reality arise out of and dissipate back into both her field and container again and again, like seeds into the Earth.

The fecund ground of her being nourishes, protects and feeds us as we, with our experiences, which include death, feed her. She is the Source, the All. Gods live within her. This is the paradigm of the Goddess.

The paradigm (worldview) of the Goddess is a way of being, a reality different and other than the current mechanistic paradigm (life as machine) we live in, (also referred to as the patriarchy). The paradigm of the Goddess is one of alive interconnectedness. This web of connectedness is revealed more and more through biology, physics, biochemistry, and cosmology.

This reality has also been confirmed to me through divinations I have done in my time as an initiated diviner.

