What to Do With The Political Jerks, Morons, Pigheads that You Love

Friends and Family Who Voted for The Other Guy

Anne Emerick
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2020


Trump Rally in Cedar Rapids 2017 — In Public Domain, supplied by Wikimedia.org

Regardless of who you voted for in the 2020 Presidential election, three things are likely:

  1. You felt strongly about the outcome of the election.
  2. You are appalled that millions and millions of people supported the other guy. You worry about what that says about your country.
  3. You have friends or family members who voted for the other guy. “Geez,” you think, “I didn’t realize they were like that.

This election has been polarizing. And we are even divided about why we are so mad at each other.

“Trump is so hateful. That’s the reason everyone is so rude!”

“It’s the left-wing media spewing lies that get everyone so riled up!”

What is Going on in the United States?

Let’s go back to the part where you were worried about the country. So you care about the country. That’s a good thing. If you care about your country, please try to understand the people who voted the other way because…

We will never get anywhere in our country or lives by…



Anne Emerick

Programmer by day. Author by night. As I put on running tights, I imagine I’m a superhero. Creator of Unemploymentville.com and No-Work Spanish.