The Power Of Building Your Very Own Email Brand

Ubong Bassey
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2023
Photo by Eva Bronzini:

We’re heading home after a long day at work and my aunt~who’s driving~says, “Before we get home, I might have to stop by somewhere for just 10 minutes.”

It’s already 10 pm but without giving it much thought, I replied, “Yea, no problem.”

I took her word for it. She said 10 minutes so ten minutes it is right?…


Big Mistake

30 minutes later, we’re STILL on the road…” gOiNg SoMeWhErE”

So you’re telling me instead of going home (which would have just been a 15-minute drive by the way), we’re going on a little trip to God knows where.

Already getting a bit irritated, all I could think of was…

“Wherever this place is, it better be good.”

Eventually, we got there.

And you would not believe where it was.

Out of all places to go to, in pitch-black darkness…

It was…

The Petrol Station

We drove an extra 30-plus minutes just to get petrol from this particular petrol station.

Meanwhile, however, we passed SEVERAL on the way here.

As frustrated as I was, I wasn’t all too stunned. It was clear that she had some sort of affection towards this particular petrol station.

Enough that she literally had to drive this far to get here.

Unfortunately (or fortunately for you), that’s the kind of hold a good brand can have on your customers.

Be it online or in a physical store.

If you have a good brand that people actually love and trust, getting customers won’t be a problem.

They would bypass products from other businesses all because of the strong relationship they have with your brand.

And that bond is especially essential in today’s market. With multiple ads being thrown at potential customers every minute of the day.

That bond, however, will take time to build. And it will also take skill to be able to engage your email list with good content while also building that valuable customer relationship with your brand.

Well, that’s why I’m here. To help you build your brand through email so clients choose you over every other business knocking at their door.

But first, you need to join my email list. You’ll get the email sales playbook as a gift for joining.​

It’ll give you endless ideas for writing emails to your list. And no, you don’t have to be a pro writer to be able to use the techniques inside.

Here’s the link below.

-Ubong Bassey

