The Power of Light in the Darkness: How My Spiritual Son Reminded Me

A Poem

Amanda Clark-Rudolph


A woman stands with her son with a background of the moon.
Image created by the author on Jasper Art.

“Want to go outside and see the lights?”
My son asks, waking me up
from a deep meditational state.

My youngest son and I
recently began venturing outside every evening
to count bats, view the moon,
and admire our new solar string lights.

The same solar lights that we recently spent two hours
untangling and setting up —

an unexpected, beautiful memory in itself,
involving my old-souled six-year-old cheering me on,
after startingly opening a package of knotted lights
then deciding to just go with it.

“Don’t give up, mommy. You can do it,”
my sweet boy repeated over and over again,
while I untangled 100 feet of luminescent strings.

They wouldn’t be hanging so eloquently… if it weren’t for him.

I smile at the memory,
regain presence,
then ease myself up
to follow my son
— seeking light —



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