The Power of Not Praising Your Child For Being Smart

How the mindset we cultivate in our children can inhibit or enhance their ability to succeed.

Farrah Smith


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The outlook we adopt profoundly affects the way we lead our lives. But it’s not just the simple dichotomy of positive versus negative. Seeing our abilities, talents, and skills as something we can augment significantly influences our confidence and capacity to flourish. This is called having a “growth mindset.”

The earlier in life we develop this mentality, the more motivated we will be to work hard to reach our goals, be resilient when we encounter something difficult, keep pushing forward when we experience a disappointing setback, and better shield ourselves from unconstructive criticism or insults. This applies to every aspect of our lives: academics, sports, hobbies and pursuits, relationships, and business.

A “fixed mindset” is believing that one is born with a finite amount of intelligence and ability. Sadly, many teens and kids are lodged in this static state of mind. They believe they are not good at a specific subject in school, or they think they are untalented or lacking athleticism, and there is nothing they can do to change that reality. Sometimes they use this black and white thinking to shield themselves, believing they have an innate…



Farrah Smith

Coach Farrah teaches a transformational course for teens and young entrepreneurs that focuses on mindful living, neuroscience, and high-performance habits.